Total Hip and Total Knee ERAS pathway: VTEstimator Sunset Plan
What is happening: VTEstimator, the application used to recommend VTE chemoprophylaxis for Total Hip and Total Knee patients will be eliminated at HonorHealth on Sunday, Nov. 13, 2022.
Why is it happening: Orthopedic surgeons opted to remove the application because the software application recommendations had not kept up with current literature recommendations.
What will replace VTEstimator: A chemoprophylaxis order set has been approved by orthopedic surgeons and Pharmacy that is based on current literature recommendations. The new order will be within the Total Hip and Total Knee ERAS pathway. The order set will default to ASA, with options to choose Lovenox, Xarelto, Eliquis or alternative options per physician preference.
What do I Need to do: Physicians utilizing the Total Hip and Total Knee ERAS pathway will have ASA automatically selected (physician can deselect and choose alternative option, if needed). Physicians not utilizing the ERAS pathway for Total Hip and Total Knee patients can order the preferred medication as they would order any other medication in Epic.