Physician and advanced practitioner well-being at HonorHealth

  NewsEditor      Caregiver wellness

HonorHealth is committed to helping to improve the health and well-being of our caregivers. This involves work in three key domains to have effective results: 1. Culture of well-being 2. Personal well-being and 3. Efficiency of practice and process improvement.

Culture of well-being: This is a focus on teamwork and camaraderie, effective leadership, meaningful connection, bidirectional communication, and physical and psychological safety.

Personal well-being: Promote, encourage and provide resources for compassionate self-care and connection with colleagues as well as professional or leadership development.

Efficiency of practice: Evaluate, measure and optimize where work can be made more efficient, safer and meaningful. This includes EMR changes, policy or process work, and other ways to remove the pebbles in your shoes.

We know there are not always easy fixes for some of the challenges, but there is a strong commitment to make progressive positive change. Across the network and led by varying clinician leaders, there is terrific work being done that impacts our well-being. Initial work includes re-energizing peer support, work with the hospitalist collaborative, multiple Epic efficiency and optimization groups, physician coaching and leadership development, Epic power users, well-being assessments, more team-based care, scheduling optimization, Wellness Committee, Women Physicians Leadership Council, DEI including health equity and culturally competent care, and planning for more collegiality events. Most importantly, we want to listen to you and get your feedback and input for future work, so please take the opportunity to contribute to surveys in the future. If you want to be more involved or have ideas, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

If you need a little support or just want to connect with a colleague on any concerns, please visit Peer Support Home – Peer Support for Providers ( or call the Care for the Caregiver line 480-587-6500. Arizona Medical Association also has confidential peer support at Physicians | Doc2docaz Mdlounge | Arizona or 646-809-0957.