Lung cancer awareness

  NewsEditor      Clinical guidelines,  HonorHealth Medical Group

Catching lung cancer early and treating it quickly leads to the best hope of beating the disease. Offering your patients a lung cancer screening offers hope for early detection, when surgery is a potential cure.

Who should be screened for lung cancer? Lung cancer screening is for individuals who may be at high risk of developing lung cancer. Screening is recommended for individuals who meet the following criteria:

  • Has a history of heavy smoking
  • Are current smokers or former smokers who quit within the past 15 years
  • Are between the ages of 55 and 80

Catching lung cancer early, decreases the risk of death by 20%. Know the high-risk criteria and make it a point to have discussions with your eligible patients.

Depending on the type, location and stage of lung cancer and other medical conditions, lung cancer surgery may be an option for your patients. The thoracic surgical team at HonorHealth Heart and Lung Surgical Group offer in-depth diagnosis and surgical options for patients with lung cancer. The surgical team uses the latest advancements in robotic technology, resulting in a less invasive and faster surgery, quicker recovery for patients, and reduces the amount of anesthesia.

Our specialists in thoracic and cardiothoracic surgery will work with your patients to determine the best treatment for their diagnosis.