Exciting news: New parking garage coming soon to HonorHealth Scottsdale Shea Medical Center

  Emma Breck      Medical center updates

This month, construction will begin on a new parking garage at HonorHealth Scottsdale Shea Medical Center. The new garage will be located near the main hospital entrance off 90th Street where our visitor parking lot is currently. The new parking structure will feature 472 parking spots, which is an increase of 282 spots from what is currently available in that parking lot today.
What your patients need to know:

  • Patient pick up and drop off will continue at the main hospital entrance for the duration of the project.
  • Valet services has moved to the southeast side of the hospital, off of 92nd Street and will feature expanded hours to accommodate the increased need for services.
    • The new hours are 7 a.m. to 8 p.m., Monday through Friday.
    • Signage and parking attendants are available to help guide patients and visitors to parking.
  • On Saturdays and Sundays, visitors can park in any designated visitor parking lot.

Please note: There will be no changes to physician parking as a result of this construction project. However, you will notice increased traffic throughout the campus and parking will be tight. If you work with vendors, please encourage them limit visits to campus during this construction project unless it is absolutely necessary.

  • Monday, Feb. 3: Valet services moved to its new location on the southeast side of the hospital off 92nd Street.
  • Tuesday, Feb. 11: At the end of the day, the current surface lot will be closed to begin site construction preparation.
  • Fourth quarter 2025: The new parking structure is slated to open.

*Dates subject to change

To assist you with conversations with your patients about this project, please refer to these talking points. You can also share any of below documents with your patients:

Thank you for your patience during this process as we work to make parking easier and more convenient for patients and visitors.