HonorHealth’s first cardiovascular endovascular graft procedure was successfully completed

  NewsEditor      HonorHealth Medical Group,  Research and innovation

HonorHealth’s first cardiovascular endovascular graft procedure was successfully completed by Venkatesh Ramaiah, MD, and his team at HonorHealth Scottsdale Osborn Medical Center. The procedure is used for treating patients with complex aortic aneurysms.

Until now, patients in need of this type of procedure traditionally underwent a full bypass surgery. This new procedure allows for long-term stability of the graft, helps treat more complex cases of aortic pathology and offers a less invasive procedure for the patient.

“This is one of the most challenging procedures for cardiac and vascular conditions,” said Venkatesh Ramaiah, MD, chief of complex vascular services and network director of vascular services at HonorHealth. “Treating the aortic arch and pathology of thoracic aorta with this advanced technology allows us to care for more complex patients in less invasive ways. This is another example of how HonorHealth stands apart and is at the forefront in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases.”

HonorHealth is one of the first health systems in Arizona to offer this leading-edge procedure: https://bit.ly/3je46Hh